Several New York State child welfare agencies also operate programs for the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement. Recent media coverage has not be clear regarding what these programs do and the children that they serve. We have created the following FAQ to provide clarity and information: ORR FAQ
Below are helpful resources and informational pieces we have gathered.
National Resource Information:
- National Resource Center for Child Welfare Data and Technology Releases Social Media Resource Guide
- National Resource Center for Youth Development Guide to Educate Foster Youth about Psychotropic Meds – A guide written for youth in foster care with input from youth and professionals
- ACF IM on Psychotropic Medication: US Department of Health and Human Services – Administration for Children and Family (ACF) Informational Memo (IM) Re: Promoting the Safe, Appropriate, and Effective Use of Psychotropic Meds for Children in Foster Care
- APSAC Resource guide 5-10-13 (4) (2)
NYS Informational Handbooks and Programs:
- NYS Kinship Guardianship Program
- NYS Handbook for Relatives Raising Children
- NYS Foster Parents Guide to Adoption
- NYS Foster Parent Manual
- Handbook for Youth in Foster Care
NYS OCFS Foster Care Rates:
NYC Programs and Information: